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Comprehensive Guide to Common Types of Pond Algae
Ponds are a beautiful addition to any landscape, providing a serene spot for relaxation and a habitat for aquatic life. However, maintaining the pristine condition of a pond can be challenging, especially when faced with the common problem of…

The Natural Pathway to Combating Algae: Embracing Balance for Lasting Solutions
In our continued pursuit of understanding environmental challenges, one question often comes to the fore: How do we effectively tackle the growth of unwanted algae in our lakes and ponds? As with most ecological issues, the answer lies in adopting…

Understanding the Emergence of Blue-Green and Filamentous Algae in Water Bodies
Water bodies, from freshwater lakes to brackish ponds, are teeming with diverse life forms. Among the myriad of aquatic life, blue-green and filamentous algae have garnered attention due to their frequent and, sometimes, explosive…

Empower Yourself
You didn’t get the promotion you worked so hard for. You’ve been let go from your job. Your partner broke up with you. You have chronic health issues that hold you back. These are all difficult situations that many of us will face at some…

The water cycle above gives us a good starting point in understanding water features and the formation of algae. Water storage in ice and snow along with cloud precipitation leads to surface runoff and collection…

Proud To Be Americans
Over the last couple of years, have you ever asked yourself, I didn’t sign up for this…. It seems like we all have the feeling that we do not know the truth about anything. That being said, let’s look at the positive things around us.…

The Nose Knows Odors
Did you know that when a range of odors are tested, humans outperform lab rats and dogs in detecting some odors but are less sensitive to other odors? From a 2014 study, humans could actually smell an estimated 1 trillion scents, way more than…

Smoke Odor Removal
When wildfires ravage counties and states, structures and lives can be lost. However, many homes and businesses may survive but could have severe smoke damage. A quick response is essential to eliminate smoke odors. Let BioWorld help you with…

Foggers for Disinfection
If you are considering fogging for disinfection of viruses or bacteria, we recommend the F8026 Triple Nozzle Fogger over the F0335 Junior Fogger. The Triple Nozzle Fogger has a smaller droplet size, emits a 25 foot fog of micron sized droplets…

The Power of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.
With a positive attitude, we experience pleasant and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy,…

Flag Day
Today is Flag Day! On May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14. Many Americans celebrate Flag Day by displaying the Red, White and Blue in front of homes and businesses.…

Memorial Day
Memorial Day is an American holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the US military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.…

Septic Customer Rave Review
So enjoyable to get comments from loyal, happy customers like Janet in Michigan: "I just had to write to tell you how extremely happy my husband and I are with your septic treatment......we sold our house, and had the septic tank inspected today.…

How to Get Rid of Algae
If you were doing research to find the best product for getting rid of ugly algae in your lake or pond, how would you approach the challenge? Since there are so many products on the market, it can be overwhelming. Should I choose a quick fix…

Marathon of Hope
On April 12, 1980 Marathon of Hope began!
Having lost a leg to bone cancer three years earlier, 21-year-old Canadian athlete Terry Fox began a journey dubbed the Marathon of Hope to raise money for his charity. Today, The Terry Fox Run will…